Thursday, January 12, 2012

I hope it never stops.

The other day, via Facebook:
Me: Hi
Little Sister: hey
today is the one day all year I wish I lived in New Hampshire
I want to vote!
I want to be 18!
ps - does gravity cause wrinkles?
[Friend] voted for the first time ever today
big big big day
Me: I saw that [Friend announced this on Facebook earlier.]
no, you get wrinkles when your skin loses its elasticity
Little Sister: oh
I was doing french with Mlle today and I wondered that
Me: Poor Duf
that's what you think of during French?
Little Sister: well only for like 2 seconds
and she was talking about a poem about aging
and roses
so I thought it
and she didn't say anything to me
even though I haven't gone to see her in like 2 weeks [she's taking French as an independent study since she's the only student for French 5]
I think she thinks I was out sick
I didn't confirm or deny this theory

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