Me: hi
Little Sister: hey
Little Sister: hey
Me: anything I can help with?
Me: nope, sorry
Little Sister: soo many verb tenses
regular future conditional imparfait subjonctif condition plast plus que parfairt or w/e
my brain is exploding
i just embarrassed myself for a solid hour with her [Duf, the same French teacher I had for 4 years] after school
Me: i'm sorry
Little Sister: yeah well
she still loves me
i was like i feel bad you have to put up with me
and she was like i don't mind you
you actually try
which i'm glad she still thinks [this is key in school...]
Little Sister: whaaat
you don't think i'm lovable?
why wouldn't my teachers love me
Me: sure i do, but i'm your sister
Me: you're a dime? what's that supposed to mean? [Here's where I realize (again) that I'm old, when my labmate has to explain to me that "dime" is some new slang term from some hip hop song.]
Little Sister: whatever i said i meant
i do everything with intent
Little Sister: umm yes
because it obviously did make sense
you know...innovation...that's why my teachers love me
or they just pity me
like my current f in pre-calc
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