Thursday, January 10, 2013

She's still got it.

In an effort to post a bit more, I was looking in my drafts folder to see if there was anything still interesting or useful, and found this Facebook chat that I had with Little Sister shortly after my defense, when I posted a couple photos of me (in doctoral robes) and Boyfriend on Facebook.

Little Sister: damn
that is one sexy dress [yes, this is in reference to my cap and gown]
i really like it
lookin fly
thats a really cute pic of you two

Me: thanks...

Little Sister: those robes
the color [navy]
and the black accents
really working for you

Me: don't look too closely. it's totally obvious that i got zero sleep the night before thanks to the f***ing construction [True story, I lived next to a construction zone and woke up to construction at 4:30 or 5 am every day for the last 4 months I lived in Tucson.  They of course selected the night before commencement to shut down water and work overnight with the use of giant lights.]

Little Sister: oh
no i couldn't tell
no for real though

Me: the dreadful under eye bags are really a shame given the pictures are otherwise really nice

Little Sister: this doctor thing might work out. i decided i'm pretty proud of you and im gonna frae the pic of you in your gown and itll come to college with me. [aw]

Nice, huh?  I thought you could use some classic Little Sister since it's been a while.

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