Friday, January 11, 2013

Random my ass.

I got summoned for jury duty.  AGAIN.  For the 6th time in the 10 years I've been registered to vote, when I know many people my age who have never been summoned.  That statement on every summons claiming that potential jurors are selected at random ("from a fair cross section of citizens" according to Maryland) is a load of bullshit.  I first got summoned 4 months after I registered to vote after my 18th birthday in Massachusetts.  Despite being summoned a second time in Massachusetts, thanks to a combination of being in college out-of-state, studying abroad, and luck, I never actually had to show up.  I was summoned three times while I lived in Arizona, once each for state, federal, and county jury duty.  I had to actually go twice, and the last time I was actually put on the jury (a poor decision on the DUI defense attorney's part).  I registered in Maryland 4 1/2 months ago and I've already been summoned.  Of course I was summoned for a date when I'll be traveling for work.  Let the postponement/reassignment/will-I-or-won't-I-have-to-go games begin.

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