I'm hoping that doing some work early will make the week between my defense and leaving less stressful, especially because I'm sure I'll want to spend that time hanging out with people rather than frantically packing and cleaning. I've already pared down my wardrobe to only the clothes that fit and are in good shape, which means I've donated or sold nearly half my clothes. Lots of books and movies have made their way to Bookman's, and fortunately I've managed not to buy more than I've traded in so far. (The dinosaur cookie cutters were an awesome find. I couldn't pass them up!)
Last night I was going through some less obvious stuff. Stuff that seems stupid to move, but not really sell-able or donate-able, and a shame to just throw out. Like the basket of yarn. I'm keeping my knitting needles and such, but I don't really want to move a couple cubic feet of yarn. Or the stack of gift bags, tissue paper, and wrapping papers. All perfectly good, but foolish to waste limited space moving.
Other than the stuff I just mentioned, purging is So. Much. Fun. Seriously, it's wonderful. And not only because I'm looking forward to getting some decent furniture and clothes that actually fit me.
I'm in full on clean-out-the-pantry mode, too. I don't think I've ever bought so few groceries in my life. I have a few more weeks of my produce share, so I still have to eat around that, but rather than making whatever I want from my produce, I'm specifically pairing it with stuff already in my pantry. The eggplant and zucchini salad that called for pearl barley? I used the rest of my bulghur and some of my wheat berries. E and I baked for another classmate's final seminar the other day, and we specifically decided to make pumpkin chocolate chip muffins and nutmeg maple cookies to use up my E's pumpkin, my chocolate chips, and my maple syrup. It's almost embarrassing how excited I was to use up my almond flour, almond extract, amaretto, extra chocolate frosting I'd stashed in the freezer, and maraschino cherries making cupcakes for some friends' birthday last weekend. Angie and I had a blast playing empty-the-pantry in college, though I seem to remember the resulting meals being a whole lot weirder then than they've been so far... (Sadly I still have lots of curry and whole wheat flour.)
(If you know someone in Tucson who wants some yarn, gift wrap materials, or school supplies, let me know!)
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