Monday, June 18, 2012

The "C word" is back.

In December my uncle died of pancreatic cancer.  He was 55 and left behind a wife and three awesome (mostly grown, but still way too young to lose their dad) kids.  In March my grandmother died of just-about-everything cancer, just a month after diagnosis and the day before my flight home.  She and Grandpa were married 55 years.  Needless to say everybody in my family has been hoping we're done with the "C word" for a very long time.

Well, it's back.  Just not in the family this time.  One of my grad school friends, who you all know as my dissertation date buddy, has just been diagnosed with cancer.  Not that cancer is ever cool, but she's 27.  WTF.  She should be editing her dissertation and planning for her awesome teaching post doc, not planning chemo treatments.  She was supposed to defend her dissertation July 5th, which is obviously unlikely to happen any time soon now.

She just went back into surgery this afternoon.  For any of you who are into this sort of thing, she could really use some prayers.

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