Saturday, June 23, 2012

Haha! Look at this!

As J mentioned, Little Sister graduated from high school last month.  This particular all-girls, Catholic high school has a tradition of the entire class wearing a long, white dress for graduation.  The same white dress.  Every girl in the class wears the same white dress.  Yes, it's like a group virgin sacrifice.  Some night in December all the girls and their mothers assemble for dress selection.  Ahead of time the class officers will have selected a dozen or so candidate dresses and they model them and narrow it down to one dress.

While I was home, I dug out my dress and tried it on for laughs.  And what do you know, it fits!  Ok, it doesn't actually fit, it's a little too big!  Woohoo!  That iPad app has worked out pretty well. :)

See!  Little Sister even pinned it tighter so it wouldn't look as ridiculous from the front!

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