A conversation I had recently with one of my college roommates (CR):
CR: I am only on page 20 of editing a 140 page publication. It's so slow...
Me: Ick. Fortunately I can edit a chapter at a time up to the very end.
CR: Yeah, but you're writing a dissertation. That's scary and difficult in so many other ways.
Me: I'll just be thankful that I don't have to edit 120 pages at a shot for right now. :)
CR: Haha, small wins
Me: Pretty much. At this point I'm mainly motivated by being able to make other people call me Dr. [Last Name] after I defend. Although that will be weird, because in my mind Dr. [Last Name] is my mom
CR: Haha, true. And your dad too technically.
Me: Yes, technically. He's got at least as much claim to it as I'll have. And technically grandpa, too.
CR: So many drs
Me: Haha yeah. It is a bit funny. Easy to see why I grew up thinking it was normal to go to grad school. :P
CR: True that. It's like a drug.
Me: Or teen pregnancy. A vicious cycle.
CR: Best example yet!
I also grew up thinking everyone got paid to go to grad school...and imagine how strange it is to not be Dr. "Maiden Name" (since I DID plan on going to grad school from childhood) but rather Dr. "Married Name." :)