Tuesday, March 13, 2012

How to Kill Time Between Spectra Late at Night, Volume 4

Ok, not just late at night this time.  We're going back to late afternoon here.  Now that it's actually late at night, I decided it had been a while since I'd made such a list.  Which is a good thing.  And fortunately I am nearly done with such opportunities.

  • Email back and forth with aunt about a million times
  • Fret over grandmother's rapidly declining health
  • Talk to Boyfriend on the phone, feel somewhat better because Boyfriend is awesome
  • Get pizza from union before last on-campus food options close at 6 pm.  The (major, but only) downside of spring break.
  • Play Bejeweled 2
  • Debate pros/cons of taking the train vs renting a car (see separate lists at the bottom)
  • Talk to Dad on the phone, advise how to renew little brother's license while living out of state (renew while he's home this week [2 1/2 months before it expires], unfortunately be issued another Under 21/Vertical Loser license, order replacement online after 21st birthday if desired), wonder why Dad is so concerned about this
  • Facebook chat with little sister
  • Read awesome and ridiculously cute story on Facebook how Ted Allen is a really nice man!
  • Book train ticket from Lancaster, PA to New Haven, CT - beg aunts for rides to/from the train station
  • Clean out GReader
  • Buffer exchange more sample
  • Gchat with Boyfriend
  • Gchat with J, who apparently has much greater attention span (and budget) for Vegas than I do
  • Play Words with Friends with Angie and Little Brother (not the unicorn one)
  • Be reminded that Wednesday is Pi Day, ponder what sort of pie to make should I have time tomorrow night, preferably consuming the bag of cranberries in my freezer
  • Make & drink tea
  • Write frivolous blog post
  • Check CNN for election results, realize that it is Monday, not Tuesday
  • Remark that it is unfortunate that I should be on the last page of this lab notebook, and will have to get another one, with approximately 3 experiments left
  • Adjust bra for zillionth time today, debate combined contributions of bra's age and stretched out-ness and losing a few pounds
  • Read editorial from Analytical Chemistry
  • Look at produce list for this week.  Get excited about snap peas - yay first sign of spring produce!  Be sad about MORE fennel, beets, and collard greens...
  • Tidy desk.  As much as a desk in the midst of dissertation writing can be tidied.
  • Flip through latest issue of JASMS, read paper on the effects of super-charging protein complexes
  • Laugh ridiculously hard at this picture (if you don't find it funny, it was funny when I was tired at midnight):

Pros for renting a car:
  • Ability to go wherever I want whenever I want without inconveniencing anybody else
  • Slightly faster than taking the train
Pros for taking the train:
  • Cheaper, before even considering the gas and tolls associated with the 600 miles of driving
  • Can work on the train
  • Can sleep on the train (though not while working unfortunately)
  • Less susceptible to traffic jams & rush hour
  • One less car on the road - yay mass transit

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