Thursday, March 15, 2012

Freak Luck

Ok, Techies of the World, help a tech-clueless girl out.  Last fall I won an iPad for filling out a survey at a users' meeting I attended at ASMS in June.  I wasn't convinced right away, but now I really like having it, and I'm sure I'll love it all the more when this God-awful dissertation is done and I can stop traveling with my 238956 lb laptop, external hard drive, stacks of papers and spectra, and lab notebook.

This afternoon I won a Kindle Fire just by chatting up some instrument reps at a meeting to get my name in the drawing.  Now what though?  Is there any reason to have the Kindle if I already have (and like) the iPad?  I can buy books and such to read on my iPad, though I'm under the impression that through the Kindle I could "borrow books" from my local library?  Frankly though, I like book books.  While I appreciate that digital reading means less to carry with me when I travel, I haven't used my iPad to read, and I still carry a book or two with me when I travel.  It's not like I exactly have a ton of time for leisure reading these days, but that's also something I hope will change if I ever manage to graduate.

Anyways, is there any reason I should keep the Kindle if I already have an iPad?  Any perks I don't know about?  Not gonna lie...I'm leaning towards selling it at the moment...

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