Wednesday, February 2, 2011

How to Kill Time between Spectra Late at Night, Volume 2

  • Catch up on GReader
  • Discover somebody took my greens. Seeing as one office mate won't touch vegetables with a 10 ft pole and that another office mate leaves containers in the fridge for weeks at a time, assume culprit to be new first year. Eat mashed potatoes & turnips for dinner.
  • Read paper draft for former labmate
  • Watch last night's episode of The Bachelor on Hulu (I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that one, but there's something fascinating and horrifying and funny about watching crazy women throw themselves at a not-awesome guy.)
  • Freak out over conference abstract that's due in 3 days
  • Spot-check and analyze data to make decisions for subsequent spectra
  • Learn fascinating new vocabulary on Facebook - shack shock: to be shocked upon discovery that two people are shacking up (Thanks, Katharine!)
  • Chat with Little Sister. Be informed that chemistry is "really dumb."
  • Text message my aunt. (Cracks. Me. Up. that my aunts text message.)
  • Discuss data and experiments with labmate
  • Do dishes
  • Get latte and talk boys with friend who's also working late
  • Look at tomorrow's produce list. Become depressed over how many greens we're going to get. Hope spring comes soon.
  • Take a Briggs-Meyers personality test. Assuming the outcome is "accurate," sincerely hope that this assessment is inaccurate.
  • Walk with friend at midnight to move her car from the garage to behind the building
  • Pull capillaries
  • Be jealous of the rest of the country's snow day(s)
  • Gripe about how sore my back is. Ponder relative contributions of old age, late night, and being tackled at softball last night.
  • Stock pipette tips
  • Chat with friends living on other continents


  1. You really need to try kale chips. I'm sure it would also work for various other greens. Basically, toss dried torn leaves with olive oil, spread out on baking pan (preferably a single layer), sprinkle with salt/seasonings, and bake at 300 for about 20 minutes or until crisp.

  2. Gross. (~From said labmate who won't touch vegetables with a 10-ft pole.

  3. Maybe I'll try those this week. We're getting greens, greens, and more greens today.
