Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Battle of Pocket Sized Geekiness

Little Sister: i gotta go clean my room

Me: thanks :):) [When I come home and she has to share her room with me is one of few events for which she'll clean her room.]

Little Sister: you're welcome
i really
can't focus on research
my room is clean
that is a problem

Me: what research?

Little Sister: we the people [history class project]

Me: oh

Little Sister: we're supposed to be emailing [history teacher] over break

Me: ew

Little Sister: yeah
you know what she got us for christmas
it was so cute
i think its my favorite present so far

Me: um, historical figure bobbleheads? i dunno

Little Sister: a wallet sized constitution/declaration of independence
and a wallet sized bill of rights
and she was like
the greatest gift anyone can give you
is the gift of the constitution

Me: but what about a wallet sized periodic table?!

Little Sister: i have that too [um, I know that, I sent it to you]
but i have to say
i like history
a lot better than chemistry

Me: lame

Little Sister: and now
if i get arrested
i will have an immediate reference to my rights [oh good]
ok well i'm going now

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