Saturday, November 5, 2011

The same goes for unicorns.

So, little sister gets an awful lot of press on this blog, to the point where you might not realize that I also have two brothers.  One brother, R, is three years younger than me (almost exactly - Mom was still in the hospital with him on my 3rd birthday).  He majored in philosophy, and fittingly, will argue with you over just about anything no matter how absurd.  The other brother is 6 1/2 years younger than me (Mom went into labor with him the night of my kindergarten graduation, shortly after I'd puked because I was just so excited about graduating from kindergarten), and is still in college, majoring in theater.

Yes, all four of us are REALLY different.

Anyways, a while back I had the following conversation (via text messages of course) with R a while back.  Keep in mind, we don't talk very often (like one year when I called to say happy birthday he replied with, "yeah, you too," and that was about the extent of the conversation), and this came totally out of nowhere.
R: What's your address? If i die you get everything.
Me: Huh?
R: I'm filling out insurance. [He just started a new (real!) job.] If i die you're in charge of burying me.  Just throw me in a dumpster and pocket the cash.  Funerals are an overrated and a rip off.
Me: Why not list mom and dad?  And can I donate your body to science instead?
R: You're secondary so if you want anything you have to bury them first.  And keep your witch doctors away from me.  I want to be burned on a pyre intact like achilles.
Me: So no organ donation then?
R: Who am I to interfere with god's plan?
[Sidenote.  My freshman year of college, my mother calls me up and starts the conversation with, "Your brother has broken my heart."  I'm thinking he did something really stupid, like get caught drinking, knock a girl up, etc.  Nope.  What did he do?  He decided not to be confirmed...]
Me: Since when do you believe in God?
R: I'm a reasonable person.  Billions believe in god. Could i then believe that god is nothing? The same goes for unicorns.

1 comment:

  1. If you all weren't identical I'd swear you weren't related.
