Wednesday, January 12, 2011

She's done it again.

I'm thinking maybe I should make this a weekly feature. We'll see.

Me: My knee is all oozy again. :(

Little Sister: Why?

Me: I slid at softball last night.

Little Sister. Wow. You're dumb. Do you like the burn victim look?

I'm not sure why I seem to break skin every time I slide now - I never scraped myself like I have in grad school all the years I played softball growing up. And for the record, I was wearing long pants and knee-high socks this time. At least it's just my knee and not my whole shin.

P.S. They went ahead last night and called a snow day for today. Which is awesome (for her) because you don't have to rush to finish homework or get up early only to find out school's canceled. I really wish they did that while I still went to a school that had snow days. Anyways, the point of this tangent is that apparently they'll get extra credit in religion for making a snowman of a religious figure. All-girls, Catholic high schools are wonderfully weird.

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