The atmosphere on campus yesterday before the memorial service for the victims of the horrible shooting on Saturday was surreal. I didn't really see much of it until late afternoon after I got out of group meeting, but it was bizarrely jovial. As if thousands of people were coming to campus for a massive party. I get that a lot of people wanted to see Obama. Hell, I would have gone if I could have. But don't you think you should feel at least a little bit sad going to an event like that? A chance to see a president I actually like within walking distance of home? I don't think a desire to see the president and sadness at such horrific violence have to be mutually exclusive, but holy cow. Walking across campus you would have never guessed that 6 innocent people just lost their lives and over a dozen others wounded.
Fortunately my friends who did get to go to the event said that the attitude was a lot more "appropriate" inside the arena. Watching it on TV, it was strange to hear the very somber tone of the broadcasters after walking through campus. Despite the broadcasters a lot of it seemed much more pep-rally-ish than memorial-service-ish, but Obama gave a great speech. And even Jan Brewer (whom I otherwise really dislike) was good.
The line to get into the McHale Center for the memorial service yesterday was hands-down the craziest line I've ever seen. The arena only seats 14,000. The line stretched away from the arena across campus in multiple directions.

The end of a line that is at least 3/4 of a mile long.

People waiting.

More people waiting...

Some more people. Working my way down the street...

A little closer...

Oh, it's after 4 now (and still 2 hours before the service began) - lines are moving!

Looking back towards the end of the line. The end was alllll the way at the end of this street.

Where that same line curved, just to my left of the previous photo. Lots and lots more people. Still probably less than halfway up this line. At the end of this block the line turned left, and wrapped around the football stadium...

In the middle of campus now, looking south towards the football stadium.

Same spot, looking north. People as far as you can see and farther still.

All the media satellites at the end of the mall
This paper chain making idea reminded me very much of high school. All-girls Catholic high schools, or mine at least, seem to be very in to this sort of symbolic thing. But it was nice. And the lengths made in children's classes and brought to campus were sweet.

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