Monday, November 1, 2010

Things to do with my sister when she visits - HINT, HINT

  • Hiking. She wants to climb a mountain. She's always jealous when I tell her I've been hiking.
  • Eegee. Obviously.
  • Real Mexican food. One of very few meals she can make is tacos. When Dad and I went out for Mexican the last time he was here, he had tacos, and her mind was blown.
  • Cook all sorts of "weird" food that we never ate/eat at home. Someday I WILL convince her that all the foods Dad swears are "evil" really aren't. Squash. Beans. Sweet potatoes.
  • Laugh at all the inappropriately dressed undergrads at U of A. This obviously works better when it's hot out.
  • Drive over Gates Pass
  • Mexico? (Right, only if I want my parents to kill me. Assuming the Mexican mafia doesn't get me first.)
  • Pool time. I might be in jeans and a sweater, but no matter what time of year it is, she'll probably think it's warm enough.
  • $1 movie theater!
  • Bookmans
  • Biosphere. She really likes biology. And the bio-dome is fascinating. While we're at it I should make her watch the movie BioDome.
  • Leave her at my desk and see how many people think she's me for at least a split second
  • Send her to the rec center with my catcard
  • Meet Me at Maynards run
  • Watch Rocky Horror Picture Show - at some point growing up, maybe towards the beginning of college, I was at home watching RHPS, and I made the "mistake" of not kicking her out of the room. Well, she made some comment to Dad about it and I got in trouble (even though she was already familiar with ALL the music because he listens to it in the car!). However, she is plenty old enough to watch it now, and therefore should be fully exposed to its glory.

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