Thursday, August 12, 2010

Canadians are so awesome.

A smattering of the awesome exchanges/remarks I've heard today.

During various 1st year student advising sessions this morning:

Professor: Tell us about your interests.
Student: Well, I like photography, mountain biking, hiking...

Professor, advising a student on which physical chemistry class to take: Well, it depends, do you prefer wave functions or partition functions?

Student, on whether or not s/he might enjoy the course on statistical thermodynamics: I follow the Mark Twain viewpoint on statistics. There are lies, damn lies, and then there are statistics.

Chatting with my sister this afternoon:

Little sister: Canadians are so awesome.
Me: Hahahaha why are Canadians so awesome?
Little sister: Are you serious? They're Canadians. No explanation needed.

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