Thursday, February 18, 2010

You Have My Blessing to Start a Blog

My sister is a strong contender for funniest person I know. She's hilarious. Absolutely ridiculous. All without even trying. She's 15 - a sophomore in high school. At the same all-girls, Catholic high school that I went to actually.

Our primary means of communication is Facebook chat. Lame, I know, but she's 15. We do somewhat regularly talk on the phone as well, mostly when she has a particular question (I being the brilliantly wise and benevolent elder sister) or when I'm bored while walking home from work/school. I haven't lived at home since she was 8, but she was probably about 13 before she would actually call me herself. At some point when I was in college, and before she had her own cell phone, I was talking to Dad at some point, and she was pestering him for a chance to ask me something. When she got on the phone I'm like, You know, Sarah, you can pick up the phone and call me whenever you want. Mom and Dad won't care. She replies that she doesn't know my number. Sarah. It's in the list of phone numbers taped to the wall next to the phone...

Behold the most recent example of her awesomeness:

Me: yo
are you home?

Little Sister:

why'd you call last night?

i was considering starting a blog and i wanted to see what you thought

Little Sister:

and i had another thought while i was on my way home, but it was like 2 am there, so i didn't call

why is that so funny?

Little Sister:
what would you blog about?

and who would read it?

and why would you want to?

what spurred this?

most likely nobody would read it, and that's ok

i would blog about my life

Little Sister:
why don't you just keep a diary?

grad school, traveling, etc

well this would be like a diary, just online

so inherently cooler

Little Sister:
haha say you have a blog and you blog some stuff, random creepers are gonna comment on what you're doing

well i don't have to let people comment
. there are a handful of blogs that i regularly read that i like a lot. i was intrigued by the idea

Little Sister:
you have my blessing to start a blog

as long as you don't go into details about chemicals and $h!t [alternative title for this post]


Little Sister:
and how hydrogen bonds are not true love and covalent bonds are true love or some $h!t like that

what kind of details about "chemicals and $h!t"?


ah, because true love shares everything, so therefore only covalent bonds are true love.
but what about ionic bonds? where one element has given its electron(s) to another element? isn't selfless giving part of true love, too?

Little Sister: ionic bonds are salty [too true, little sister, too true]
mum says hi

well she wants her laptop back right now so i'm going


i willlll talk to youuu uatllekrjleka


She may be 10 years younger than me, but she's the first person I call for a pick me up. She's awesome. She makes my day every time without specifically trying. Here is my current all-time favorite picture of her:


  1. Count me as your first random creepster commenter! :^) I'll even use a skeezy handle to add to the effect.

    Lots of love, Hickey Balls

  2. I share genes with both of you (though not those smarty genes) so it will not be creepy that I comment on each of your entries.
