Thursday, December 8, 2011

Cafe Reviews for the Dissertation Writer, Volume 2

Last week Tiff and I met for another dissertation date, this time at the Starbucks right by campus on University (as opposed to the one on campus in the bookstore, or the one about half a mile southeast of campus...).  I got the scoop on how her 6 month meeting went and worked on some more figures for my own.  Here's the breakdown for this dissertation writing venue:

  • Fireplaces!  A fireplace automatically makes a place homier and cozier and means automatic points in my book.
  • Walking distance of home and campus
  • Peppermint hot chocolate - my seasonal holiday hot beverage of choice :)
  • Free wifi
  • Decent food/snacks available in quantity and quality (though pretty much all sweet and definitely all overpriced)
  • No surprise, but the Starbucks right be campus was swarming with undergrads, some of whom were absurdly loud and annoying
  • There are very few tables big enough for more than one person to work.  We got lucky this time.
  • Definitely not local business (I'm generally in favor of supporting local businesses.)
While the fireplaces are a huge plus in my book, this wasn't my favorite place to work.  Though I think there's a good possibility that it could be quite nice as soon as the undergrads clear out for Christmas break.  Finals start tomorrow, so not much longer. :)

We've got another dissertation date tonight, though venue has yet to be decided...

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