Sugar Pants: anne
you there?
me: yes
what's up?
Sugar Pants: I did a boo boo [At this point I'm thinking he's in lab and messed up an instrument somehow.]
i locked myself in my garage
me: hahahahahahhaha
Sugar Pants: i know i know
can you come save me?
the front door is unlocked
me: haha ok
i'll be there in a few minutes
Sugar Pants: thanks
He recently bought a house, and has been doing some work on it in the evenings before he actually moves in. Apparently last night was the night to disassemble the built in cabinets in the garage (you know, so you could actually put a car in it) and install a lock on the door between the garage and the house.
About 10 minutes later I pull up to Sugar Pants' house just as his neighbor is pulling into her garage, which is immediately adjacent. I go through the house and open the door to the garage. He's sitting on the floor out of view, so I step into the garage. Before I know it, the door has swung shut behind me.
Yes. Yes, that's exactly what happened. I went over to free Sugar Pants from his garage and got locked in there with him. Go ahead and laugh. I know it's funny.
I told him his neighbor pulled in when I did. So he pounded the wall and yelled, but she'd already gone inside. He asks if I have my phone to call Dallas. My phone is in the car... (Next time I'll take my phone with me before freeing somebody from a locked room.) He doesn't have his phone either, the key to the newly installed lock is on the other side of the door, and the garage door is padlocked from the outside.
Sugar Pants has his laptop, but the battery is quickly dying. E is on Gchat still, but not answering. He asks if I know her number - I don't (Actually, since my parents phone number changed when they moved, the ONLY numbers I have memorized are my cell phone, my office, and my grandparents'.). He knows his girlfriend's number, but she lives in Pheonix. He uses Google's call feature, and calls twice before she picks up. After explaining our predicament, and some totally justified laughing on her part, she agrees to call Dallas.
After another uncomfortably hot and humid 15 minutes in the garage (seriously, why won't it just monsoon already!), Dallas arrived with his girlfriend to laugh at us. Before actually letting us out, he tried to convince us that the front door was locked, so he couldn't get in to open the door. After we called BS about 8 times he let us out.
There's a key to that lock hidden in the garage now.
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