Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Poor Camera

My poor camera had to take a trip to the camera hospital last night.  Yesterday afternoon I took my camera out of my laptop bag to discover that the flash wouldn't stay down anymore.  Meaning the camera then wanted to take every photo with the flash.  No bueno.  Fortunately my camera is still under warranty, so fixing it is free, and both the camera body and lens will be cleaned while it's out.  After nearly 3 years in the desert dust it could definitely use a good cleaning.  They quoted me 2 weeks...but a couple years ago when I took a lens in to be cleaned (just the lens, and nothing was broken), and that took an entire month.  So I'm not too optimistic.  But I'd reeeeeeally love to have my camera back before I head to Denver and Santa Clara at the end of the month.  Until my baby comes back, iPhone it is...

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