Thursday, October 28, 2010

Reasons Tucson Isn't Such a Terrible Place

So almost all of my friends and classmates here are not from Tucson...and most people tend to knock it pretty badly and plan to leave the split second they can. I won't stay in Tucson much past graduation, mostly because the job market here doesn't really match what I want to do (like I really know what that is anyways) or what I'll be qualified to do (nothing really). But I really don't think it's such a bad place, and for 5ish years, I'm happy living here. Or so I'm trying to remind myself as I'm feeling particularly anxious/antsy to move on.

  • Warm winters
  • No shoveling snow
  • Snow nearby if you really want it
  • Eegees
  • Hiking
  • Easier access to all sorts of neat stuff in the west I haven't had a chance to see before
  • Year round fresh local produce from my CSA (this is a big one - I'm really, really going to miss this)
  • Airport so small you don't need to show up more than an hour before your flight
  • Effortless year-round tan
  • Awesome roommates
  • Excellent and authentic Mexican food
  • The smell of rain in the desert
  • Beautiful spring flowers that smell fantastic (seriously, my entire walk to school around March-April smells absolutely amazing)
  • Monsoons
  • How much bigger the sky seems
  • Bookmans
  • That every (decent) apartment complex has a pool
  • Mountain views in every direction
  • Bike-friendly (mostly)
  • Spectacular sunsets (see previous big sky and mountain points)
  • No need to wear a winter coat over your Halloween costume!
I'm sure there are other things I like and appreciate that I can't think of now, but that's a pretty good list. Maybe I can convince myself to be excited about another almost 2 years here...

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