Wednesday, January 9, 2013

It's Wednesday

I just got back from a quick work trip to Chicago this afternoon.  A few of the other people in my group and my boss were going to give a couple presentations to another division at work and at the last minute last week my boss said I was welcome to come if I wanted.  Essentially my lab at Big Fancy University (BFU) has been taking longer to get going than anticipated, so I've found myself scrounging for things to do to keep busy (due to things out of my control, like construction not really being done when they say it is and instruments taking forever to ship and then nobody actually telling me that they've shipped/arrived).  I'm actually going back to Chicago again next week, though as much for my own training as to have something to do.

Last night in my hotel room I caught the end of Miracle on TV.  Seriously it's got to be the best sports movie ever.  It's about the US hockey team at the 1980 Olympics at Lake Placid, and unless you've been living under a rock, you know what happened.  You know the US beat the "unbeatable" Russian team and went on to win gold.  But the movie is SO GOOD.  It leaves you hanging on the edge of your seat in total anxious suspense and excitement even though you know they're going to win.  I grew up in a baseball household, I love baseball, and there are loads of great baseball movies (A League of Their Own and 61* are my two favorite baseball movies, but there are loads more really good ones!), but Miracle still takes the prize as the best sports movie ever in my book.

I've got one more resolution to add to last week's list - I'm going to use my cookbooks more.  The vast majority of my cookbooks have only 1-2 recipes that I've made (although some of those I make regularly and/or they're my go-to recipe for a certain thing), which is a shame.  I was lucky enough to receive a copy of Smitten Kitchen's new book for Christmas, and while the book is beautiful enough to own for the pictures alone, it seems ridiculous and kinda tragic (in a shallow, first-world problem sort of way of course) that it should join the pile of rarely used cookbooks.  I've added ingredients for plum & poppy seed muffins to my grocery list.  I'm still browsing possibilities for dinner this weekend... 

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