Two more days until this abstract is submitted. I can do it. Just 2 more days. And then I can go back to a normal level of busy for a few months.
I'll spare you a full-on list of random ways to kill time between spectra, as tonight it'll be shorter and less interesting (literature searching, an episode of Teen Mom 2, abstract drafting, convincing a 2nd year that life really does get better post-oral despite the late nights I'm pulling now, data analyzing, and more capillary pulling) since I'm determined to get home and to bed at a "reasonable" time (that will probably still technically be tomorrow).
In other news, it's FREEZING in Tucson. Holy crap. I swear it hasn't been this cold in the 3 1/2 years I've lived here. Today was the first time I wore a winter coat out during the day. We didn't hit 40 today, and probably won't tomorrow either. We spent most of today in the 30s with a wind chill about 10 degrees colder. Definitely not looking forward to the 20 degree low (plus that annoying wind chill) by time I finally get out of here tonight...
Two more days...
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