This morning I booked a campsite for Assateague Island for this weekend! Woohoo!
Statistics are unbelievably, painfully boring. It's taken an extraordinary amount of Cherry Coke Zero (like pre-oral studying quantities) for me to make my way through it.
If you had been walking down my street at approximately 5:00 this morning you would have seen me (though only barely, it was dark still), in a raincoat, hanging out my bedroom window (on the 3rd floor of my building) trying to figure out what was making the murderous-rage-inducing clacking sound. The culprit was a loose slat of siding/roofing flapping in the wind, that I yanked off the house until a sufficiently large nail to hold it in place can be obtained. I bought some big nails (I only had little ones for hanging things.) this afternoon and hung out my window some more this evening hopefully fixing the problem. I couldn't hammer through whatever is behind the slat underneath the problem slat. There was wood behind the problem slat but further up, but the pre-existing hole in the slat (I have no idea what this thing is made of, it's not wood, not slate, it's easy to put a nail through though.) was bigger than my nails, so I dug out some washers leftover from assembling my Ikea furniture and used those to hold the nail head in front of the slat. Fingers crossed it doesn't clack on the house whenever it's windy anymore!!
My car payment booklet showed up today. Sad. Driving a shiny new car is much more fun than paying for it.
Some idiot managed to hit and knock down a light post down the street. It's a street with enough traffic that you really can't go very fast. No clue how they managed to pull it off...
I bought a basket of jalapenos to make green sauce a couple of weeks ago, but well, I only used two in the sauce... So I've been making things with jalapeno... Over the weekend Boyfriend and I made this pizza, and later this week I'm planning to make this pasta and these biscuits.
The three of you who read this regularly may be wondering why I apparently fell off the face of the planet. When I last wrote I had just sent my completed dissertation (aside from final revisions) to my committee prior to my defense. Since then I defended, left Tucson, and slowly worked my way across the country as I moved to Baltimore for a post doc in industry. It's not that I don't have plenty of material that I could blog about - heck, I took notes throughout the entire drive thinking it could contribute to a fun blog post. But frankly, I just haven't felt like writing. I've had plenty of time if I chose to do it. Maybe getting this post out will motivate me to keep writing, though maybe it won't. In some ways I miss it, but it's not one of those things that's worth making myself do. So maybe I'll be back, maybe not, but hopefully.
I think you should be back. I miss you and this is a semi-decent substitute for getting to walk upstairs and chat about life with you!