By the way, this is the dress I'm working so hard to fit into for Wedding #5. (It still fits! Just under 3 weeks to go! Not that I want to gain those 5 lbs back...) I got it in Scotland, or rather, a very, very nice friend mailed it to me from Scotland.
Fall of my 2nd year, I went to Edinburgh for nearly 3 weeks to work in a lab at the university there. One of the many times that Pete (the grad student I mainly worked with) and I were waiting for the instrument to pump down, we went downtown to wander around and do some shopping. Pete needed jeans, so while he found jeans I tried on some random fun things, including a really hilariously ridiculous bright pink dress (one that I only could have worn on Halloween or some similar joke-occasion) and the blue dress above. As soon as I came out of the dressing room in it Pete could see that I loved it. Considering the price tag (not absurdly ridiculous, but certainly enough) and the fact that I didn't really need to be dress shopping then, I talked myself out of it. A couple days later when I still really wanted the dress, we went back to the shop only to discover that they were completely sold out of my size! :(
This is where Pete played knight-in-shining-armor, because he was kind enough to go back yet again when they did have the dress in stock, get it for me (I left him money for it, I'm not that mean!), and mail it all the way to Tucson for me. Thanks again, Pete! I still love the dress!
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