Sunday, July 11, 2010

Reasons I Miss StL

In no particular order.

  • 10 pm Mass (well, I guess it's technically the 9 pm Mass now, but same difference)
  • My college roommates
  • Dirty Shirleys
  • 5 pm shots in the kitchen (sex with an alligator, mexican flag)
  • The Hall of $h!t
  • The Muny
  • The Big Bang
  • Grandpa
  • Seasons
  • Grass
  • Lightning bugs
  • City Museum
  • Ted Drewes
  • Uncle Bill's (really just for the 24-hour ghetto-ness and the Golden Alaska)
  • Toasted ravioli
  • Regular access to a piano
  • Forest Park
  • Direct flights to Boston
  • Good music at mass
  • The Ozarks and their beautiful, partially shaded, crystal clear water for floating

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